PANCOLOUR INK Corporate Product Investor Relations International Partners Elite Recruitment Contact


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Investor Relations

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PANCOLOUR INK Investor Relations

General Share Information

Shares listed in

Taiwan Stock Exchanges Code: 4765

Company name


Industry category

Chemical industry

Company address

NO.72-1, Wenming rd., Gueishan Dist., Taoyuan City 33382, Taiwan, R.O.C.

Company phone


Company fax


Date of establishment




General manager


Initial offering date



C802200 Coating, Paint, Dye and Pigment Manufacturing

Contributed capital


Product Description

UV Curable Adhesive: used in optical disc and electronic component industries.
UV Curable Ink: used in the optical disc industry; used in paper or plastic film food packaging, tobacco and alcohol packaging, label printing and other industries.
Passive Component Application Pastes: used in electronic component industries such as solar cells and passive components.
3D printing consumable materials: various types of light-curing resin used in printers like LCD, DLP, SLA; various types of filament used in printers like FDM, etc.

Member of the board

Information of spokesman


Chairman: LI, ZHONG XUN
Contact number: +886-3-3270177

Acting Spokesman

Vice President: BAI, YOU QIN
Contact number: +886-3-3270177


Governance Principles

PANCOLOUR INK establishes a corporate governance system, in addition to complying with the provisions of laws and articles of association, as well as the contracts signed with the competent authorities and related regulatory matters, it shall also be based on the following principles:
Protect the rights and interests of shareholders.
Strengthen the functions of the board of directors.
Give full play to the functions of the audit committee.
Respect the rights and interests of stakeholders.
Improve information transparency.

Major Internal Policies

Practice of Sustainable Development

PANCOLOUR INK promotes sustainable development and should pay attention to the rights and interests of stakeholders. While pursuing sustainable operations and profits, it should pay attention to environmental, social and corporate governance factors and incorporate them into the company's management policies and operating activities.

PANCOLOUR INK should conduct risk assessments on environmental, social and corporate governance issues related to company operations based on the principle of materiality, and formulate relevant risk management policies or strategies.

PANCOLOUR INK’s practice of sustainable development should be based on the following principles:

Implement corporate governance
The general manager’s office is responsible for proposing and implementing sustainable development policies, systems or related management guidelines and specific promotion plans, and reporting to the board of directors regularly.
Directors pay attention to and supervise the practice of sustainable development, and review its implementation effectiveness and continuous improvement at any time to ensure the implementation of sustainable development policies.
Regularly organize education and training to promote sustainable development.

Develop a sustainable environment
PANCOLOUR INK follows environmental laws and regulations and relevant international standards, properly protect the natural environment, and should be committed to achieving the goal of environmental sustainability when executing operational activities and internal management.
PANCOLOUR INK is committed to improving energy efficiency and using recycled materials with low impact on the environment, so that the earth's resources can be used sustainably.
PANCOLOUR INK establishes an appropriate environmental management system based on industry characteristics, sets up dedicated environmental management units or personnel to formulate, promote and maintain relevant environmental management systems and action plans, and regularly holds environmental education courses.
PANCOLOUR INK considers the impact of operations on ecological benefits, promotes and publicizes the concept of sustainable consumption, and reduces the impact of the company's operations on the natural environment and human beings.
PANCOLOUR INK should properly and sustainably utilize water resources, build and strengthen relevant environmental protection and treatment facilities to avoid contaminating water, air and land; and make every effort to reduce adverse effects on human health and the environment.
PANCOLOUR INK assesses the potential risks and opportunities that climate change poses to the company now and in the future, and takes relevant response measures. The company adopts common domestic and foreign standards or guidelines to conduct corporate greenhouse gas inventories.

Maintain social welfare
PANCOLOUR INK should abide by relevant laws and regulations and comply with international human rights conventions, such as gender equality, work rights and prohibition of discrimination.
PANCOLOUR INK treats customers or consumers for its products or services in a fair and reasonable manner, and shall not engage in behavior that undermines consumer trust or harms consumer rights. Assess and manage various risks that may cause operational disruptions to reduce their impact on consumers and society. Be responsible for products and services and value marketing ethics.
PANCOLOUR INK should evaluate the environmental and social impact of procurement actions on the communities where supplies are sourced, and cooperate with suppliers to jointly strive to improve corporate social responsibility.
PANCOLOUR INK should evaluate the impact of the company's operations on the community and appropriately recruit manpower from the location where the company operates to enhance community recognition.

Implement corporate governance
Strengthen the disclosure of corporate sustainable development information:
Sustainable development policies, systems or related management guidelines and specific promotion plans approved by the board of directors.
The risks and impacts of factors such as implementing corporate governance, developing a sustainable environment, and safeguarding social welfare on PANCOLOUR INK's operations and financial status.
The promotion goals, measures and implementation performance formulated by PANCOLOUR INK for sustainable development.
Main stakeholders and issues of concern.
Disclose management and performance information on major environmental and social issues of major suppliers.

Stakeholder Services

Customer Relations

PANCOLOUR INK's business and R&D units adjust products according to individual customers, provide differentiated and best services, are committed to quality improvement and after-sales service, and grow together with customers. We firmly believe that the growth of customers is the only way for the company to grow. PANCOLOUR INK has passed certifications of ISO9001, ISO14001, and ISO45001, and cooperates with customers in all inspections of the certifications they adopt.

Supplier Relations

All third parties, regardless of size, are important contributors to the success of PANCOLOUR INK. Without the upstream supply of high-quality raw materials, it is impossible to produce products that meet quality requirements. For a long time, the company has worked hand in hand with its suppliers to overcome hardships and cultivate a close relationship of coexistence and co-prosperity with its suppliers. We jointly adhere to the highest business ethics standards and environmental issues, and reject all illegal activities. If there is any violation, we will investigate it thoroughly.

Investor Relations

PANCOLOUR INK allows investors to participate in the company's decision-making and voluntarily applies electronic voting in advance, so that investors can learn about the company through legal person briefings, shareholders' meetings, public information, etc. The company is committed to the principle of transparency and openness to disclose complete and timely information.

Employee Relations

Employees are PANCOLOUR INK's most important assets. Maintain a good employment relationship, fully respect employees, implement humane management, and keep communication channels open. Complaints from employees will be investigated confidentially in a non-disclosure manner and should not be ignored.

Good Neighborliness

PANCOLOUR INK Company is a member of the social environment. The company understands that it must fulfill its corporate social responsibilities, participate in social welfare, support the disadvantaged in society, develop environmentally friendly products, and maintain the natural environment.